The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126591   Message #2814024
Posted By: Donuel
16-Jan-10 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Earphones head phones ear buds
Subject: RE: BS: Earphones head phones ear buds
Sansa sounds interesting,

To be honest the best reason I like these no name ear phones is that they do not trigger tinnitus. My huge JVC HA-D990 will make my ears ring while the earphones do not. The ear phones just sort of rest in the ear and require manipulation for full sound but its worth hearing so well without ringing later. They also help each ear sound equally well, when one ear is only half as sensitive as the other.

It must be a matter of full spectrum sound without too much power.

I got another insignia portable HD radio set, just for the headphones just in case these get damaged. The radio is not only tiny and extremely rugged but essential if one wants the most out of npr.

since npr made all their budget cuts, thier quality has suffered. The editors are not fact checking or the announcers are putting decimal points in the wrong spot or the journalists are not asking the right insightful questions, but there is drop in the quality of their programming. Repeating thier programs up to 3 times a day to fill the day is another matter.

I think they should do a deal with pacifica and get some wonderful interviews with our remaining national treasures. You know, some of the old coots that are our living history.