The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2814476
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Jan-10 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
A quick skim through this thread allows me to conclude that BeardedBruce is still one who feels entitled to his own facts, regardless of their fictional origins.

Too bad we can't dump the insurance companies, but even if we can't, once the Democrats get health care reform out of the way many other important causes will begin to fall into place, as jobs are created because everyone has a better shot at health care and employers have more options.

So what if we have higher taxes? When a nation chooses to make sure that something important like health care is available to a huge percentage of the population, people pay for it. But the trade off should be that insurance companies can't play fast and loose, can't arbitrarily raise rates or drop people. Better to have a predictable amount of taxes go into the program in exchange for a whole bunch of people not turning up in the poorhouse because of the insurance industry behavior. And more people will have jobs because small employers will be able to compete on a level playing field.