The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24492   Message #281462
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Aug-00 - 12:07 AM
Man, what a weird what the hey, it's got my old pals sophocleese and flattop on it, plus Brendy, who can never resist saying something appreciative and thoughtful about me...great!

flattop - sorry I missed you last Wednesday, but I had to go to Toronto to get $800 worth of dental work done. Amazing, ain't it? In Cuba it would have been free (no wisecracks, please...they have good dentists in Cuba). I ended up staying in Toronto with friends or I would have been there to see Rick with you. I will probably go this coming Wednesday. See if you can make it to my Newmarket gig on the 15th September...maybe you could record it?

sophocleese - you dare to mention plectrums and classical guitars in the same breath? Shocking! Then there are those lewd songs you've been bringing to song circle lately...we're not fooled by the archaic language and the sweet voice...better watch it, girl! The song police are taking notes. Expect a call this week on the kilt thing.

Oogleporkum scrotsniggle and snitch did balleybag the upsnort, chamfing merrily on their cumquat bejeebers all the the slitherslag watched from the peeknarled bushes, biding his time...!

Stay tuned.