The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2814965
Posted By: akenaton
18-Jan-10 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Interesting article Sanity, its amusing to see the homos using the old hetero "cheating husband" routine to rationalise their promiscuity figures. "Oh it didn't mean anything, it was only physical"

It bears out what I was saying about the vast majority of homos having thrown away the rule book regarding sexual behaviour, which in turn may account for the very high levels of promiscuity and hiv/aids associated with homosexual preactice.

Mousethief says correctly that this was an old study, but homosexual promiscuity/hiv figures have continued to worsen since then till the present.

The really telling figures are the life expectancy statistics, if the homosexual figures applied to the sexual behaviour of any other sector of society, an immediate public inquiry would be called for and a medical review would follow to establish the cause of the disparity,

David Kaufman rails against "liberal silence"