The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2815090
Posted By: CarolC
18-Jan-10 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
For myself alone, I had $5,000 deductable with a monthly premium of $168.

Hell, that's peanuts. Our monthly premium would be $1000 at a minimum, and most likely would be a lot more. We were paying $1000 a month premium several years ago and we are both older now, so our premiums would be higher. $5000 is too much for a deductible. With a deductible that high, people tend to put off getting care until providing such care becomes a lot more expensive.

When I was unemployed ( over 2 years), and for 4 years as I commuted 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours ECHA way EACH day ( before getting a job with benefits). And I was uninsurable ( pre-existing conditions)

So if you find yourself again at some time in the future being uninsurable because of pre-existing conditions, this health care reform would help you. By the way, both of us have pre-existing conditions, and we are as uninsurable as you were then.

But that is why MD has one of the highest state tax rates around.

Not sure I follow your reasoning there.

"Without access to health care we die."

Go to the emergency room. THEY will treat even you

No they won't. They might set a broken bone or rehydrate me if I have sever diarrhea, or stabilize me if I have a heart attack (if I don't die first), but they won't provide regular examinations to determine if I am at risk of heart attack, or provide me with chemotherapy if I get cancer, or even do regular cancer screenings to determine if I have cancer. If I require lengthy and expensive treatment for any kind of illness whatever, they will not provide that. You think you know a lot about what is available to people without insurance, but you no precisely zero.

Or move somewhere with better benefits, or get a job with those benefit. You want the privilidge of staying where you are, and you want the rest of us to pay for your medical care. WHY should over 80% of the nation get MORE expensive costs and less coverage so that YOU can avoid paying what the rest of us pay???

This is not possible. We don't live here because it's a privilege to live here. We live here because this is where we are able to live. If we had better options at this time, we would take them.

"That is also what the propose legislation (so far - it isn't finished) will do. "

FALSE- Neither of the present bills under consideration, nor any proposed comprimises will do so. Rergardless of Obama's speeches.

Prove it.

beardedbruce, who buys the goods and/or services that the company you work for provides?