The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2815159
Posted By: VirginiaTam
18-Jan-10 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
You say go get a job that has benefits. What decade are you living in? Have you noticed the unemployment and under employment stats across the country?

My daughter Andie could not get medicare, because her condition when treated correctly helps a person live a somewhat normal life. She was not entitled.

But untreated, Addison's disease had left her so weak and ill, she could not physically cope with the only jobs she could get in the small town she lived (she had to live with her Dad due to illness), waiting tables, stocking shelves.

How was she supposed to get the treatment and meds she needed without first having money to pay for them?

BTW - she had $1,000s in debt from 5 previous emergency room visits and hospital observations in only 2 years which were worrying her no end. She could only pay $10 per month when she was able to work. She did not get a diagnosis until about 8 or 9 months before she passed away. Had that happened when she was first getting ill, her body would not have been reduced to such a weakened state. But how do you get a diagnosis, if doctors will only see you if you have insurance or can pay up front? Then you have to pay for tests, up front.

This Health bill - what has been "finally" proposed may not be ideal, but baby steps may get the US on the way to providing fair and adequate health care for all people regardless of their means.   Those who have more means can go private if they so wish, just as is done in the UK.

The problem in the US is that a certain several generations have been educated to believe that any attempts at socialistic anything, including health care is seen as too closely related to communism. We are also brought up to think we should take care of our own and so do not like being told by the government that we should look to other's needs.

I for one do not mind my taxes going to pay for decent health care for everyone. I don't care a wit whether or not we all contribute equally to the system.