The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2815162
Posted By: Bill D
18-Jan-10 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Bruce... I cannot believe you actually think thru the implications of some of the claims and 'advice' you offer.

Not only that, people at places like the Congressional Budget Office, the AARP and various other concerned groups disagree with you as to what will 'cost more' and who will pay what.

A search leads to many, many claims about higher costs, but most are from those who simply have an interest in seeing Obama & the Democrats fail. They are frantic to regain power, and they YELL loudly...yell ANYTHING, whether based of fact or not, to discredit anything the Democrats try to do. I can only assume that many of them actually have convinced themselves that they have the high moral and economic ground, but the list of those who simply don't want THEIR stream of money diverted or dammed is long, indeed. Those cynically cover their own ass, and Devil take the hindmost.