The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2815235
Posted By: CarolC
18-Jan-10 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
"And we can't afford the real estate prices or cost of rent in Maryland, either. We need to live in a place where we can afford the basic necessities like shelter."

"However, I would definitely pay higher taxes for health care, because even those higher taxes would cost me a hell of a lot less than what I would have to pay in order to get insurance under the current system"

The costs of rent and real estate are due in part to those taxes you are so eager to pay.

The cost of real estate has nothing whatever to do with taxes. You pay the price of the real estate plus the taxes. The real estate prices in Maryland are higher by orders of magnitude than the real estate prices in the area where we live. I know, because most of my family lives in that area.

And the amount of increase I would have to pay in taxes would still be a lot less than the amount we would have to pay to get access to health care. Although it still hasn't been established that this is what will happen if we get a health care reform bill passed.