The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2815266
Posted By: John P
18-Jan-10 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
For those of you who are opposed to changing the way health care is paid for in this country because it's taking money out of your pocket and giving it to others: How do you feel about Social Security, the police and fire departments, Congress, and the U.S. Army? All of these take money from everyone in order to supply us with things we need. I, for one, would much rather have universal health care than our military.

As soon as we allowed our corporations to send most of our good jobs out of the country, we needed health care reform. Before that, most people who wanted a job could get one that included insurance. That's no longer the case.

The Republican party has become the party of "no". If you don't like the health care bill, please tell us your alternative. Please make it one that doesn't involve thousands of our fellow citizens dying while their neighbors don't die of the same illness. "Get a job" or "Move" are asinine suggestions. Do you have anything real to offer?

If you don't like the health care compromise that they are getting ready to stick us with, get on the phone to your Republican congresspeople and encourage them to get out of the way. They've been blocking the door way too long.

As for whether or not Obama is a liberal -- all the liberals I know consider him to be slightly right of center, like almost all Democrats. The Republicans who have pandered to their base enough to get elected are so far to the right they are off the scale. The differences between Democrats and Republicans are just different degrees of corporocracy.