The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2815344
Posted By: Lox
18-Jan-10 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"a medical inquiry into the link between homosexuality and aids"

Lets examine this stroke of genius.

- Does Ake mean testing all homosexuals to discover what percentage actually suffers from HIV/AIDS?

if that is true and Akes motive is concern for AIDS sufferers, then why should we care about homosexuals more than other groups?

we should, by his standards, have another research project to study the link between HIV/AIDS and women, as 50% of HIV/AIDS sufferers worldwide are women.

OOOPS ....

Hang on - 50% of AIDS sufferers worldwide are women ... so it OBVIOUSLY isn't either exclusively or predominantly a gay problem and further research will only confirm that.

It would be a waste of money.

But Wait ...

- Ake might mean a scientific study to establish once and for all whether HIV/AIDS is somehow caused or originated by homosexuals.

For twenty years, scientists working for government research projects and private pharmaceutical companies have been working round the clock to learn about and try to understand what HIV/AIDS is, where it comes form and how to beat it.

Now that I have read Ake's post, I too want to know, why haven't those stupid scientists, with their millions of pounds/dollars of research money, taken the time to test the link between AIDS and homosexuality.

I think we should turn the research project over to Ake, as he clearly possesses a much deeper knowledge of scientific method and would stand a much better chance of finding out something useful.

You nob!

P.S. - how odd that two male gay couples should be anything less than open friendly and free with Ake, considering his selfless caring approach to male homosexuality.

I bet when Ake sees them he walks up with a hearty Grin and says "Hi I'd like to be your friend" to which they slink, curse and spit like Smeagol and Deagol from the Lord of the Rings.

Then again, maybe the truth is that Ake stares at them from a distance like a kid looking at a traffic accident, doing his best to radiate heterosexual manliness to deter any ideas they might have of bumming him, and they see him and think "steer clear of the homophobic fuckwit".