The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2815394
Posted By: Don Firth
18-Jan-10 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Far be it from me to try to answer for Ake, but in at least two threads now he has been trying to peddle the idea that the AIDs virus is caused by homosexual activity. In short, spontaneously generated where it did not exist before!

This notion got under way in ancient Greece. The idea was that piles of garbage and refuse created such vermin as rats, mice, flies, and other scavangers—not that the garbage attracted the vermin, but that the it created them spontaneously.

This belief prevailed among some (but not all) through medieval times and continued until surprisingly recently—including such nonsense as "recipes" for producing mice, for example. All along, there were those who questioned the idea of life being spontaneously generated by inanimate matter, but it was finally laid to rest once and for all in the mid-1850s by Louis Pasteur.

I have mentioned this several times in these threads, but our statistics-cobbling Ake refuses to acknowledge it and grips his collection of medieval beliefs all the harder.

While, at the same time, telling me—and others who consistently yank the rug out from under his make-believe world—that we are too ignorant and stupid for him to waste his precious time bothering to answer, and generally ending his rant by calling us something like "liberal fascists." Whatever the hell that is!

Easy dodge. But glowingly transparent.

Don Firth