The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2815423
Posted By: John P
18-Jan-10 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
BB -- Since I didn't name you with my comments, it's a bit odd that you assume I was talking about you. Since I was very specific about who I was talking about, saying that I can't accept any other reason for being against the health care bills is a specious comment. Be that as it may, here's a couple of quotes by you from earlier in the thread that certainly make it sound like you don't like the thought of being asked to pay your share of national health care:

"BTW, since I pay 1.45 cents on EVERY dollar I make to Medicare/Medicaid, I suspect I am paying a lot more towards the cost of medical care for the poor than those here telling me I am not."

"You can get ANY health care that you want- IF you pay for it- BUT WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE?"

I repeat my question, since you decided to answer it with a non-answer: why should anyone pay for any group endeavor? Why should I pay for weapons of war? Why should I pay crooked congresspeople? Why should I pay for schools, since I don't have any kids? Why SHOULDN'T you pay for other peoples' health care? We all pay for all sorts of things for each other. Most of us call it civilization.