The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126658   Message #2815673
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Jan-10 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: APD or ADD in adults
Subject: APD or ADD in adults
I have been thinking for a while that I have either Addictive Personality disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder so I looked them both up and found the former could be a symptem of the latter anyway! Just look at the following and see how many of you may be suffering the same -

Adult ADD Symptom Test:

If you experience more than 10 points on this adult ADD self symptom test, Attention Deficit Disorder is likely present.

An internal sense of anxiety
Impulsive spending habits
Frequent distractions during sex
Frequently misplace the car keys, your purse or wallet or other day-to-day items
Lack of attention to detail
Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems
Trouble following the proper channels or chain of commands
An attitude of "read the directions when all else fails"
Frequent traffic violations
Impulsive job changes
Trouble maintaining an organized work and/or home environment
Chronically late or always in a hurry
Frequently overwhelmed by tasks of daily living
Poor financial management and frequent late bills
Spending excessive time at work due to inefficiencies
Inconsistent work performance
Sense of underachievement
Frequent mood swings
Trouble sustaining friendships or intimate relationships
A need to seek high stimulation activities
Tendency toward exaggerated outbursts
Transposing numbers, letters, words
Tendency toward being argumentative
Addictive personality toward food, alcohol, drugs, work and/or gambling
Tendency to worry needlessly and endlessly
"Thin-skinned" - having quick or exaggerated responses to real or imagined slights

I had 17! Go on - be honest. How many do you have?
