The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126655   Message #2816062
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
19-Jan-10 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Binge Drinking reforms....UK
Subject: RE: BS: Binge Drinking reforms....UK
Good teachers are worth more than gold, actually Bert....and I'm afraid that schools have changed a great deal.

Please read Paula's wonderful post above, because it so rare that any teacher stands up to admit what is going so wrong....

And I am absolutely with her on all this crazy After School Clubs and Extra Lessons for Little Johnny, where even in the swimming pool he is shouted at, tested, and told to achieve...

It's done so that parents who feel guilty about not being with their children as they should be can say "Oh, Little Johnny's doing SO well! He's an absolutely marvellous human being, because I'm out working for him all day long, to give him swimming lessons, riding lessons, football lessons, extra SATs tuition, extra GCSE tuition..because I'm such a bloody marvellous parent!"

Total crap, of course...because all Little Johnny needs is time to be a child....time to stand and stare, time to play in the fields with his mates, free of cares and worries, homework and exams...

We live in a terribly stressed out society..and those 20/30 year olds are no different to the teenagers now coming up, because this has been going on since they were teenagers...and NEVER before, no matter what articles are produced here...NEVER has my country and it's young people suffered in this way..and the kids ARE is the whole of the country, because if you have a young generation out partying 24/7 then you ain't got a workforce who knows which way is up in the morning...

Gone are the days of Friday and Saturday nights's now all week long..and just the other day, on the bus, I was behind two young people who talked about alcohol the ENTIRE bus trip, of about 20 minutes..with the lad saying that when he's spent his £10 cash that he takes out with him each night, he then puts the rest on his credit card...

And here's a blog I wrote a long time back about exactly what Paula talks of above...

All that we are missing through Time

"I'm just a human being trying to make it in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human." - John Trudell

If all teachers were like Paula..and like Bruce, then our children would be in very safe and caring hands..