The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2816436
Posted By: DougR
19-Jan-10 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
John P: The current bill has been gutted by the Republicans? What planet do you live on? The Republicans have had NO voice, pro or con on the current bill. Get a life. As to companies being expected to provide health care, when and where did I say that? Companies offer health care to attract the best employees and keep them. If a company cannot afford to offer health care to their employees they run the risk of losing good employees to companies that do! That's free enterprise!

Tell me, John P., where in the Constitution of the United States, does it say that the government should be required to provide health care to it's citizens? I don't think it's in there anyplace. Governments of other countries do provide health care, but we are not other countries, and I repeat ...IF anyone on this forum prefers services offered by other countries to it's citizens not provided in the U.S., they have the option of moving to those countries. Good luck to those who do!

I've watched the voting returns from the election in Mass. tonight and have spent time on Fox News Network, where there is celebration, and MSNBC and CNN where reporters have very long disappointed faces. On Fox, Frank Lunt, the pollster, had a group from the state many who voted for the Democrat and some who voted for the Republican. One of those, when asked why, as a Democrat, why he voted for the Republican said, "because I believer neither party should have a "super" majority in the congress. The Democrats under Obama have had it, and have totally screwed up. The Republicans had it and THEY screwed up. The elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and now (of all states) Teddy Kennedy's home state, should teach the Democrats a lesson. Super majorities by EITHER party is not in the best interest of the country.

I do not, however, delude myself that the Democrats will learn anything from the drubbing they have taken in all three elections. They will continue to try cram liberal legislation down the throats of the American electorate and they will shoot themselves solidly in their foot(s). They cannot accept that the majority of Americans are either in the center, or center right.
