The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2816714
Posted By: Donuel
20-Jan-10 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Mass still has black box voting and exit polling is still banned which makes certain that elections can not be entirely trusted.

Mass already has near universal health care.

Mass is potently racist. Just bring up bussing and raw nerves still twitch.

Mass has noticed the remarkable failure by Obama to seek a middle ground including Republicans who consider bi partisanship suicidal.

Where's the change? Wall St is stronger and main St is weaker.

While this Senate seat was won without openly running against Obams, despite the birther tea bagger crowd, it was won because of the failure of a legislative strategy.

The attempt to get one vast single reform, instead of taking each good reform seperately in a piecemeal fashion, has failed for all except the Insurance companies.

If Obama had been a real FDR going straight at the banks things would be different. The pain of the economic collapse would be quicker and stronger if Obama had been a FDR.
The course chosen merely diminishes the president as vet another Wall St. puppet while spreading out the effect of the collapse and extends the life of everything unsustainable.

None of this is to say that Republicans and tea baggers are in any way part of a solution, they can only accelerate the fall of the union by just saying no or by saying yes to perverse patriotism that actually did resemble fascism.