The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2816966
Posted By: Donuel
20-Jan-10 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
I am saying in my imitable dyslexic way, is that Obama foolishly pandered to the Republicans even after not getting a single Republican vote after going to Congress in person. That should have told him that bipartisinship was game over.

But there was no strategy change. He has not demonized Republican do nothingism that always shouts no - and - youre a liar.

When Bush wanted Democratic votes he just said that if they didn;t vote for his tax cuts for the rich "they don't support our troops".
Yep you were called a traitor. As distasteful as that kind of politics is, it worked. Obama needed sonting reasonable, real and similar to bully Republicans. You can.t rely on fairness when dealing with slime balls.

The economic collapse could have been handled by people outside the organized crime banksters like Paulson and Bernenke and our current Sec of Treasury. Perhaps Obama knew doing that would certainly invite his demise but instead he did the cowardly thing and put all the good ol boys back in charge.

He tried to explain this by saying we needed experienced people who could unwind the problems. Unwind indeed. Just because they know where the bodies are buried doesn't mean you can get them to tell you where they are without making them Sheriff. Gabiche?

If I am ashamed at the way he handled Wall St. means all those to my right have noticed it as well, and to their own advantage.