The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126686 Message #2817354
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Jan-10 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: Acapella ideas for a wedding march!?
Subject: RE: Acapella ideas for a wedding march!?
For the record, I was once musical director ·+· playing Amiens who gets to sing most of the songs in a 1970 open-air As You Like It in Cambridge. The theme was of a sort of hippy-paradise in the forest where they sang folk - so I set e.g. Under The Greenwood Tree to tune of The Gentleman Soldier &c. For Hymen's Wedding Hymn in the last scene {"Wedding is Great Juno's Crown' V iv 140}, sung chorally by all the 'courtiers', I used Kelvingrove ["The Shearing's No' for You" ], which all said fitted it beautifully. So I offer it as a humble suggestion - no royalties expected. The name 'Hymen' in the song, nowadays having other connotations, could be altered to something like 'Wedlock' perhaps.