The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2817881
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
21-Jan-10 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
""Because homos are at least 50 times more likely to get aids than heteros...why? Because homosexual promiscuity of sexual partners etc, are much higher than among heterosexuals(if you deny that, please give your reason for the high hiv figure). Why are homosexuals in general so much more promiscuous?...I believe it has to do with the exclusively male hedonistic lifestyle.""

You really need some lessons in logical analysis Ake.

This is your old, and oft repeated circular argument, and it's really getting irritating.

Homos (to use your preferred pejorative terminology....a la Josef Goebbels) are fifty times more likely to get HIV..Why?. Because they're promiscuous. How do we know they're promiscuous?...Because more of them get HIV. Why are they more promiscuous?....It's the exclusively male hedonistic lifestyle.

What exclusively male hedonistic lifestyle, for Christ's sake?

Go to your nearest town centre at 10pm, and see the queues for the local nightclubs. Come back again about 2.00am, when said clubs are disgorging their clientele.

Tell me Ake, do you think that those dozens of drunken straight men and straight women have been setting up meetings at the local vicarage, or is it conceivable that they are in the main looking for sexual encounters?

The crap you spout about promiscuity being the domain of the gay population, merely serves to highlight your total ignorance, and bigotry.

Gay relationships are no different than straight insofar as they are no more and no less sex oriented.

With your lack of empathy, lack of insight, and lack of tolerance, you cannot possibly have an unbiased attitude toward the actions of others.

Where they do not conform to your cosmic perception, your only possible response is disgust and disdain, because your inability to understand another's point of view is total.

This is abundantly evidenced by the fact that those who oppose your view are named as prats, blinkered fools, liberal fascists, and unworthy to hold a point of view.

You are The Compleat Ass, and thank God Almighty that you have no authority.

Don T.