The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126269   Message #2818007
Posted By: Gutcher
21-Jan-10 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: The Gypsie Laddies 500th Anniversary ??
Subject: RE: The Gypsie Laddies 500th Anniversary ??
Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh published a book c.1660 that
    is mentioned as containing information on how the McLellands
    were granted their arms as mentioned in a previous post.
    I have been looking for a read at this book for some years now
    in connection with an old song from the early part of the 16th C.
    so it looks like I will have to make the effort & pay a visit
    to the N.L.S. in Edinburgh. An added incentive is that the same
    source mentions an old book on the gypsies in the time of the
    There is no doubt in my mind that the gypsies adopted names
    local to where they resided---Gordon,Johnston,Marshall Stewart
    etc. etc. {aa Stewarts are nae sib tae the King.}