The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2818198
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Jan-10 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Can't post much, yet..haven't read a lot of the 'newer' posts'...some of the ones I did read weren't worth replying to, being as it is much ado about nothing...but I did see this......"My point was that when an issue of civil rights is concerned.......(blah blah blah)"
The Constitution protects rights based on Race, Creed or Color.....umm what does homosexuality fall under??
We have sufficiently found that it is not genetic, it's not a religion, and can't decided what color is involved....
Unlike the Ugandans who are a struggling nation, trying to bring themselves UP, even though they have a tribal heritage and culture, which you have to take into account, before slapping a controversial edict upon them, based on a misinterpretation of 'civil rights', from a foreign country(ourselves), we are a nation in decline, decay...when they can easily see our 'acceptable mores' as decadent. It is understandable (though I don't condone it),why they would consider having a death penalty, to defend themselves from a 'threat', based on something they view as weakening the societal structure, based on tribes, made up from the familial nucleus. When 'political activists' for homosexuality(read: subversive agitators to exploit), come in to impose their 'views' into THEIR nation, and society, what did you expect? When the Christian 'moralists' come in, and reinforce their views, which is consistent with their tribal roots, its no wonder the 'activists' blame the Christians for instigating this!

That being said, I still don't believe that the death penalty, is justified here, but for some there, they do. Before you start your stupid arguing, consider for just a teeny moment, that we are NOT talking about OUR culture, OUR country, OUR nature, nor OUR society, and try to at least consider another point of view, THEIR point of your 'all knowing', all dogmatic, all liberal understanding!!! THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANYONE'S ELSE'S POINT OF VIEW!!!! Wrap your emotional 'do-gooder's' pea brains around that one!..then whip out your tissues, and pretend that you even give a shit, at all. YOU DON"T!
So Sincerely,