The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126345   Message #2818557
Posted By: catspaw49
22-Jan-10 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Medical Woes - Winter 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon Fell -- On Way to Hospital
While you're right Kendall, the problem is a bit different.

Tom is in the medical equivalent of a box. He has several different medical conditions that force a patient into different solutions which are not compatible with each other.   Every Doc is worried about his or her own problem but they won't move unless they think they can be successful. Blame it on the medical profession, lawyers, the insurance companies, the government or whatever combination you like but the case is that no one is going to take a risk. Like it or not, patients like Tom and I present them with GREAT risk.

So Tom has CHF, COPD, an artificial heart valve, an ICD, some amount of artery disease, high blood pressure.........I have the same stuff. Now things are very tough when something new comes along as it always does. It can be a comparatively easy problem like the a sinus infection or something major but all of a sudden its serious because certain decisions medically will foul up something else. Its like walking a tightrope.

What Tom and Linn need here is a strong case managing Doc who will act in the best interest of them as well as medically. This Doc gets to fight alongside them with the other Docs and sometimes with them in the about their decisions. Karen and I have always been lucky in that respect until this last pneumonia thing back in September when we had to change doctors because our wonderful family Doc had gone on into education (I hope she can train others to be like her).   It was a disaster and trying to get the cooperation and understanding we were used to, we instead got a bunch of Docs who wouldn't talk to us and were all busy covering their own asses in case I died on their watch.

Almost everyone falls into some size of medical box for one reason or another but when you are severely medically're fucked. Tom and Linn are doing their best and Linn is truly the "Energizer Bunny." But I was not at all surprised that the surgery was cancelled. I'd have been surprised if it hadn't.   If I were the Dr. Z here, I'd want a VERY CLEAR picture of Tom's arterio-vascular problems and his pulmonary function as well. Plus I was sort of amazed that any Doc would consider surgery until Tom was 100% cleared on the infection. Even though the anticipated surgery is done in the very least invasive way imagineable, the risk of infection is still there and Tom's heart is far more at risk for this than most other people. But it could have gone on as Dr. Z knows a helluva' lot more than my dumb ass.

Linn, I am so sorry this is all happening to you guys. When I say "I can feel your pain"......I can.....really. Karen and I have everything available crossed and are thinking of you a lot. Hang in......I know you will.
