The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2818754
Posted By: Smedley
22-Jan-10 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
MtheGM, although your recent posts are strikingly untypical of you inasmuch as they depart from your usual measured tone, I have to echo the sentiments.

Being one of the few Real-Life Actual Homos on this thread (or at least one who is unconcerned about stating their sexuality), all this statistical pushmi-pullyu stuff, even though I recognise & appreciate the motivations behind some of it, is starting to make me feel a bit like a Christmas cracker being fought over by irate partygoers.

The original impetus behing this thread is long-gone, and if folks want to argue over the mathematics of HIV, it might be better placed in another thread. It is an important topic, but needs a new home.

The initial discussion over the Ugandan legislation is long gone, and its spin-offs into wider skirmishes about homosexuality and homophobia have (to my mind) also become exhausted. The leading players (which may even include me) have said their piece several times and the chances of persuading each other to rethink are slender to the point of anorexia.

Still, don't let me stop you if you've still got the energy...........