The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126691   Message #2818770
Posted By: Big Mick
22-Jan-10 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's first anniversary
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's first anniversary
Hey Doug, you want to know why I think you are incapable of any sort of decent intellectual discourse??? Your post demonstrates exactly why. You are so bound to partisan horseshit, that you simply attack Obama, regardless of the facts. I will say this slow, try reading for comprehension, OK?

During the whole of the Bush administration, all you could do was defend them while they took eight years to create a budget surplus and stuck us in a deficit hole that will take generations to fix. But when President Obama can't fix this in 13 months you post that tripe. Your partisanship is showing. While your boys spent eight years getting us involved with a war that there was not one shred of evidence to justify, you carp when this young president can't get us out in 13 months. While your boy, and I will admit he was abetted by the Presidency of Clinton, destroyed the financial regulatory safety net, you still take shots at Obama when he is trying to fix it.

You are a hopeless, bitter old man whose intellectual capacity has been warped by Rush Limbaugh style manipulation. Some here see you as a nice but curmudgeonly old man. Do not count me in that group. In the words of a current movie, I see you.

To those offended by the tone of this post, I apologize for making you uncomfortable. But I tire of this endless partisan horseshit, from the right and the left, which is paralyzing our country, hurting our citizens, and leading us down the path of Rome. If we cannot get back to the basic tenet of respect for one another's views, respect for the office of the President, and seeking consensus, I fear all is lost. We are rapidly becoming the world's largest third world country while Nero (people like DougR) fiddles their bitter little arses off.

Mick (rant off)