The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2818858
Posted By: Lox
22-Jan-10 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Well MtheGM,

I understand that your memory may be as unreliable as your ability to comprehend numbers, but as long as you are entitled to use the word wanker unprovoked, you can expect to get a short sharp response.

The suddenness of your amusing little tantrum is only explained by your chivalrous loyalty to another mudcatter who also recently made a tit of themselves.

And as you have nothing either clever or interesting to say, you have decided transparently and ineffectually to bombard me with your own boring toothless tirade.


"There was no "interpretation" selctive or otherwise. "

Not true.

You stated that the only thing to be inferred was that anal sex was high risk.

This was selective as you later admitted when you agreed that it went without saying that we could also infer from the available stats that vaginal sex is also high risk.

This was an admission you were only prepared to make under pressure.