The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2818901
Posted By: Lox
22-Jan-10 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"Lox - I said I appreciated the intentions behing some of the posts, but I am concerned that it was all getting a bit stalemate-y."

"Happily, there are straight folks like MtheGM to remind me than idiocy and heterosexuality are not inevitably interconnected."

Well thanks for the appreciation - I think - but if you reread the post from MtheGM that you so heartily endorsed, you will note that a large proportion of it, and his subsequent posts are specifically aimed at unprovoked abuse.

So you can probably understand my reaction.

PS, while I have noted your appreciation, I would like to point out that I do not see myself as representing you or any other homosexual.

I represent myself and my principles.

Amongst the most important principles I represent is that which says that scapegoating of any sort by anyone is a dangerous game that should be stopped wherever it rears its ugly distorted hateful head.

Ake was spouting his crap about "liberals" long before I ever locked horns with him.

Since then, I have seen him blame "immigrants", "moslems", "tinkers" and "Gays" for the ills of the world, and pigeon hole those who disagree, or have a more thoughtful view, as "liberal fascists"

After giving him the benefit of the doubt time after time after time, and seeing him grow precisely nowhere, I began to realize that despite his mealy mouthed attempts to intellectualize his distrust of people different to himself, he was actually, in practice, saying the same thing as organizations like the BNP. He was just doing a better job of dressing it up as 'reasonable'.