The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2818953
Posted By: Don Firth
22-Jan-10 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Once again, GoofuS is trying to claim that I said something that I did not say at all.

Regarding its statement about the non-existence of a gender-orientation determining gene, it says, "Even Firth's post, concluded that!" I did not conclude that at all!

I said that there was a general belief among geneticists and others that gender-orientation is genetic, even though the specific gene (or genes) has not YET been found.

Research continues, and one line of research is looking at the female side of the family with the idea that the crucial gene is carried by the woman. The gene would determine if the appropriated hormones are released at the appropriate time and in the appropriate amounts during the development of the fetus.

Another line of research has to do with "triggers." We all carry many more genes than are actually activated. Researchers have found what were hitherto unexplained segments of DNA, recently determined to be "triggers" that either activate certain genes or allow them to lie dormant. Not every gene has been identified as to what it does. Far from it!! Nor has it yet been determined which genes may have triggers to activate them, and which may not.

So trying to claim that gender-orientation is not determined genetically is equivalent to trying to claim that there is absolutely no life on Mars. Scientists are looking for it. There is every reason to believe that it is there. But because it has not YET been found does not mean that it will NOT be!

That's a whole lot different from saying that "even Firth's post concluded that!"

Since GfS's father "decided" he was gay, left GfS's mother and a brood of siblings behind, and went off with a male lover, GfS has been absolutely terrified of what his/her genes might do someday. S/he has a vested interest in refusing to believe that gender-orientation is determined by genetics.

Rest assured, GfS. If it hasn't kicked in by now, it probably won't.

Unless, of course, you are being bothered by strange urges that you find quite disturbing. . . .

Don Firth