The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30002   Message #2819126
Posted By: mousethief
23-Jan-10 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Please explain the word 'Git'
Subject: RE: BS: Please explain the word 'Git'
And then there's the track on an old Monkees album that was entitled "Randy Scouse Git." The lyrics had nothing to do with the title, though. I think they just wanted to confuse their fans by using non-American words.

The title means "horny Liverpudlian bastard" -- which I believe was meant to apply to one of the Fab Four.

Since nobody else has it to hand, I looked up "git" in the Oxford English Dictionary. Just because I happen to have a copy and love showing off.

git slang. [var. GET] In contemptuous use: a worthless person.

Hence I looked up GET; the relevant sense is here:

[2.] b. orig. Sc. and north. In contemptuous use = brat. Also spec. a bastard; hence as a general term of abuse: a fool, idiot. (Cf. GIT.) Now dial. and slang.

(Note: Sc. means Scottish; north. means Northern dialect.)
