The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2820157
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-Jan-10 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
I have a nephew with an autistic son and we did a lot of concerts at a school for children with lots of different 'gifts', as Lizzie calls them, where the children were in attendance. Apart from that I know little about autism. What I do know is that you are fighting a loosing battle, Wesley. What is meant by 'If you would read my posts' is 'you must agree with me'. You have now joined the ever growing group of 'Lizzie bashers' I'm afraid. Not that it is a bad thing to disagree but this will be brought up in some future post when you least expect it;-)

All the best from one with the gifts of Asthma, Perrenial Alergic Rhinitis and Reflux disorder. I am indeed truly blessed...

:D (eG)