The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2820228
Posted By: Ruth Archer
24-Jan-10 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
So now Lizzie has diagnosed Rowan Atkinson, Billy Connolly and Stephen Fry as autistic. I'm sure they would all welcome her expert knowledge, but should such diagnoses not be left to - oh, I don't know - medical professionals?

Out of interest, Lizzie: you now claim that your own children are autistic. Interesting. When did they receive their diagnoses? Your in-laws: were they, too, diagnosed autistic? You've previously claimed that your entire family is also dyslexic. When did you receive your own diagnosis of dyslexia? As it is unusual for someone in your generation to go through all the formal testing which has only recently become the norm, I am genuinely intrigued.

Since the advent of the internet, many people self-diagnose (and, it would seem, diagnose their whole families and celebrities whom they have never met). There are lists of symptoms to suit just about every trait, every personality type in the world, and if one is really keen to wear a label (for whatever reason: attention-seeking, feeling that one is "special" or has unique "gifts", to excuse a lack of achievement or ability, etc) you can damn well find one. It ain't hard.

And you know what? If that's how you get your jollies, fine. But please distinguish, when trying to compare your situation with that of parents coping with the realities of profound autism autism on a day-to-day basis, between your situation and theirs. They DO know what they are talking about. You cannot possibly hope to truly empathise with their every day experiences while you have two happy, healthy children who will go on to lead normal lives. For their kids, this will never be a reality. Stop patronising with your talk of "gifts", and stop preaching to them, and just for once, start bloody listening.