The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2820578
Posted By: olddude
24-Jan-10 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
With no disrespect to anyone, I understand where Lizzie is coming from she has a good heart and means no harm to anyone and I have heard this many time from people only wishing the best for kids ...However,

I can't speak for the schools in other countries. In America there have been study and study done to the tune of millions of dollars. Autistic children do far better mainstreamed then those who are not. That is a fact. In addition follow up studies show no hindrance to other children or their education. Each child is assigned a personal aid that "hopefully" is well trained in autism (not true in all parts of the country where rules vary). I have watched numerous kids do so much better when attending schools with other children who do not have the illness. It works here, the local school boards (I was a former member) tend to complain of the expense. I told them how much is a child worth to you ... It is always positive to have the children mainstreamed according to all the research. Check the web if you wish or talk to Unlocking Autism, Dan Marino foundation, Doug Flutie foundation or any of the big ones

Thank you