The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2821372
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jan-10 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Okay, I won't decline... ;-)

You are so right, Mousethief, and it isn't just the Republicans. It's the entire military-industrial complex that is absolutely delighted to wage war on an abstract noun...a war that has no geographically identifiable enemy (so it can be fought anywhere they like) and no possible or forseeable end, so it can go on forever. That's perfect for their purposes.

George Orwell predicted this very type of situation of an endless war waged in distant places by Oceania (An Anglo-American alliance) in his great novel 1984. It came a little later than he had scheduled it, that's all. Big Brother is not a man...Big Brother is a financial $ySStem composed of giant banks, giant corporations, a giant military that is their mailed fist, and a large number of men in suits at the top who control it all (and who no doubt fight amongst themselves for the best perks while they're doing it). Presidents? Ha! Presidents and Prime Ministers are just their temporary and disposable errand boys. I figure that's what Obama is right now, but what if he decides to buck the $ySStem and fight the controllers? I really doubt he will do that...but if he did? Then things could get very interesting, but I wouldn't rate his survival chances as very good, because those people do not tolerate non-cooperation with Big Brother's greater world agenda. No sir.

The War on Terror is political doublespeak of the most outrageous sort, because it is itself the direct agent of terror on a huge scale, terror inflicted upon hundreds of millions of people in many different nations. It is what it pretends to be fighting against. It is the monster it pretends to be protecting us against. Just as in 1984.