The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2821778
Posted By: akenaton
26-Jan-10 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"I just read what you post. Homosexuality is inherently risky. Homosexuals should be cured. The best model for dealing with homosexuals with AIDS is quarantine"

"Homosexual practice is very risky" argument, the figures speak for themselves
"Homosexuals could or should be cured"....Where did I say that?
"Homosexuals should be quarantined".....For a small period of time, combined with a full treatment regime, comprising full contact tracing, treatment with anti virals and the other components in the Cuban model.
This should apply to all who test positive for hiv aids

There should be compulsory testing of at "risk groups".(male homosexals, introvenus drug abusers, sex workers, African/East European immigrants)

Nothing else appears to work, as infection rates among homosexuals and African immigrants are still very high (comparitively) and rising steadily.

How high are you prepared to see infection rates go, before considering an element of compulsion?