The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37303   Message #2821865
Posted By: GUEST,Coyote, still breathing
26-Jan-10 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Daft instructions
Subject: RE: Daft instructions
I just received my Missouri Tax booklet for 2009. When figuring the amount of tax you are to pay you are instructed to turn to page 26 of "this booklet". But there is no page 26!
The pages stop at 12 then there are forms galore, then the page numbering starts again at page 33. So I counted the actual pages, folio and verso and at 26 I found the tax rate chart!

It turns out that the formula for figuring ones taxes hasn't changed since 1930! So I guess fumbling around looking for the rate chart is a small price to pay for a truly antiquated system for figuring what I owe!? The table only goes to $9,000! After that amount one then applies 6% to the remainder over $9000, adds that to the amount of tax for the first $9,000 and that is what one owes.

I'm going to plead confusion.