The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2822011
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
26-Jan-10 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Emma, many who have autism, and I include Aspergers in that, suffer very deep depression.

Sorry, but I also know of many people on the autism circle who are deeply talented and gifted.

Having said that, I'll also say, yet again, the circle is wide and covers many people with many differing problems.

The young people I've linked to above, Carly and Tito, were, until very recently, totally unable to communicate. Now, they can....and computers, as I've said before, are now opening up the world for some people with autism, and I think this number will grow and grow as time progresses and those who are now able to communicate this way are able to explain more and more about how they feel, think etc...

Both Carly and Tito would, until very recently, have been 'written off' by many people as never ever being able to have any form of coherent thought, let alone intelligence...yet there it all is, in black and white, for the whole damn world to see...

Just as Helen Keller emerged from within her silent, closed off world, so are some children with autism, and that is a truly wonderful thing.

There are many positives here, amongst the negatives and the heartbreaks..and those two people have turned the heartbreak around, because now they can both comminucate with their families and those who love them so dearly now understand their 'language' and are able to learn it themselves. That has to be a good thing...even though we would all wish, and I doubt there is anyone here who wouldn't...all wish we could make everything OK for those who are on the very severe part of the autism circle.

Dyslexia is a gift, Emma.   You just need to let go of the stringent rules of language poured down on you by those who are obsessive about grammar. Tell them to stick their heads where the sun don't shine and learn to be proud of who you are and what you do.

I love it that my brain thinks as it does, even if others hate it. I really couldn't give a damn, because my brain makes me happy and I'd not change it for the world! :0)   

It's interesting to hear Dr. Temple Grandin, in the link below, saying that she's happy with her brain too....And why the hell shouldn't she be?   Having a brain that thinks and feels differntly is no big crime you know. It's just the way that person is....and the sooner we can all learn to realise that and to accept not only others, but ourselves, as who they and we are, the better this world will be.

The Sunshine Boy - Youtube

And yes, before everyone starts on at me, I know Helen Keller didn't have autism. Her world was even worse, black, silent, empty, but she too found her way out, for Annie Sullivan became Helen's 'computer' in a way....and computers will help autistic people, not all, I know, but they will help many in the years to come, as can be witnessed above.

I use the term 'Circle' simply because that is what I see in my head, Emma, not for any other reason.

And Wesley, I am not trying to advocate the suffering of autistic children, but the protection and acceptance of them, just as that video is trying to do, but we HAVE to deal with the bullying first, before they can all feel safe in our vast schools...and we have to ensure there is funding there for EVERY child on the autism circle to have a full time carer at school, until they reach an age or the situation where the children themselves feel ready to be on their own...and happy.

We are not dealing with this problem and therefore many chldren are suffering because of it.