The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2822154
Posted By: Ruth Archer
26-Jan-10 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
"My daughter is on the autistic circle somewhere, but it makes no difference to me at all"

"My daughter is on the circle, as is, I think, my son."

"I have two children on the circle,"

Lizzie, you still haven't told us whether your children have actually ever been diagnosed with autism - and I don't mean diagnosed by you, I mean diagnosed by a medical professional. Or whether you have decided to interpret their shyness/social awkwardness as autism, based on whatever lists of symptoms you've found on a website somewhere. Because if the latter is the case (and I strongly suspect it is), putting yourself into the same category with these parents who have to live with their childrens' profound disadvantages and disabilities on a daily basis, is quite the crassest, most insensitive load of attention-seeking shite you have ever spouted - and god knows that's going some. These parents know that their children may never grow up to lead normal lives, and live every day with the fear of what will happen to their children once they are gone. How DARE you compare your situation with theirs, or tell them how they ought to feel about this terrible syndrome that has, in many cases, severely limited their children's lives?

Shame on you.