The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2822626
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
27-Jan-10 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
"These parents know that their children may never grow up to lead normal lives, and live every day with the fear of what will happen to their children once they are gone. How DARE you compare your situation with theirs, or tell them how they ought to feel about this terrible syndrome that has, in many cases, severely limited their children's lives?"

Do you not read my posts? Do you not read how many times I've told you about Ben, Daisy, Hannah, my own family?

Did you not read how Daisy has to be cared for 24/7 in a home, as her parents were not able to cope? Did you not read how every Sunday they bring her home, trying to get her not to sit down in the road?

Did you not read how Ben tried to throw himself off his windowsill at age 10, after the vicious bullying he had to endure at school?

Did you not read how Hannah was punched in the face and her family had to move away from Sidmouth, to free themselves of the vicious bullying their own, gentle, deeply sensitive and frightened daughter had to endure?

Did you not read the countless times I've stated that the circle of autism covers many people, in varying degrees, from the supremely intelligent to the seemingly tragic?

Did you not read the very words OF the 'seemingly tragic' that I took the trouble to post, to prove to others that inside the quite, speechless minds of a body and soul that apparently cannot communicate, (on *our* level) lies the also equally intelligent mind of young people who now ARE able to communicate, through computers and let people into 'their world' at long last?

Did you not read the many times I have stated that my son, brother and father have dyslexia? (had, in my father's case, as he has now passed on)

Did you not read the many times I have told you that my daughter's incredible artistic talent, which has been there from when she was born, goes hand in hand with SO many symptoms of autism that you'd not believe it!

Did you not read of the terrible struggles she had at school, my son also, when their deeply sensitive natures collided with the shite that is going on in so many schools?

Did you not read how my son was ridiculed, age 7, by his teacher for not being able to spell or write properly?

Did you not read when I spoke of dyspraxia, dyslexia and autism all sharing many, many symptoms?

Did you not read that it was a 'special' school that saved Ben's life? A school that was set up to help and teach and protect children with severe dyslexia and autistic problems?

Did you not see the many, many videos I have posted on here about autism and the *positive* hopeful, true stories that are now starting to happen?

Did you not know that I refuse to be negative about *any* autistic child, because, just as Annie Sullivan believed with Helen Keller, I believe there is a child like Carly inside every autistic child....and society needs to pour millions and billions of pounds, dollars into autism to help those children, their parents, their teachers and their families to do all that is now known about to help all children on the autism circle to lead as comfortable a life as they are able to do.

Did you not understand that I am on their side, because of how many people I know who are touched by this circle?

Or were you so damn bent on being your usual vicious, snidey, sarcastic self, hellbent on ONLY trying to prove to others what a total piece of shite I am?

Get out of this thread, have no place in it, because this thread is NOT about your bloody insane personal problem with me.

Thank you...

And I hope, that somewhere in this thread, in the many links I've put in, in the many things other people have also spoken about, there has been much that some people reading this thread, but not contributing to it, may have found of some help.