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Thread #125426   Message #2822784
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
27-Jan-10 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Keith: "You dismiss the knowledge and experience of the WHO.
You can provide better informed opinion? Why don't you?

"Rather than just accept you were wrong, you persisted in trying to support the bigots"
I am fallible. It is not always possible to spend enough time getting my head around all the stuff in these sites, but what have I actually been wrong about?
The later figures still supported my statements of fact. They only differed in degree from the earlier ones which were only 6 years old.
I retracted the virus myth data because of its source, but did you find any fault in the data I extracted?

Now please, what have I said that was"

Keith, It should be obvious, by now, that the homosexuals in here, do not care about any information that even remotely 'suggests' that their lifestyle, is not exactly the award winning paradise they'd like us to believe, nor do they like to be REMINDED that CHOICE has a lot more to do with their 'cop outs' than merely being 'victims' of some sort of 'lucky' draw of the deal!

The only thing they want to hear is, I want to do, what I want to do, I have the right to impose that on the rest of society, and they want the rest of society to think that it is as normal as rain....just as normal as men and women reaching to the other gender, having babies, and raising them to be productive human beings, who produce other human beings. Nor should we tolerate being accused of being 'bigoted' because we don't want our offspring being tolerant of their families, finding HIV, STD's and the sort, an 'acceptable' dilemma!!...nor those who do, a healthy part of our society!!! Most people who live 'normal and productive' lives, don't go around worrying about those topics, anyway!!! Do you?? We are just are sick and tired of having our noses rubbed in it, and we, have our rights too!

So, run along, go play your little games, convince yourselves that its about 'love', and not sex, adopt children, so you can 'play house' and don't forget to teach them that there is a difference between the digestive system, and the reproductive system, and that when either one is not used for the intended purpose of what they were suppose to be for, you may find yourselves a little bit sick....maybe a little more than your thresh hold for pain is willing to admit.

Perhaps you should stop bullshitting us, with the lies you bullshit yourselves with!...and yet, do what you long as it doesn't hurt another.

This stuff really pisses them off, because they know its true. It's the truth they wish that would just go away....but unless you're a practicing homosexual, BOTH of one's attributes of being living, are far deeper ingrained that a stupid political 'persuasion' being tried to ennoble a bad habit!!!

With Regards, to all living things,