The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2823035
Posted By: Richard Bridge
27-Jan-10 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Well, I think I have Freedom From Sanity (conveniently "FFS") figured out. He's terrified he might by mistake catch something. Now why he's scared of that would be anyone's guess.   Maybe it's because his clear cut distinction between the reproductive system and the digestive system would discriminate against the time-honoured courtship ritual of the kiss, and also against oral sex.

But I cannot see what Keith is trying to achieve or why, if it isn't (as he says it isn't) a desire to increase prejudice against gay men (funny how it isn't gay women too) and Africans in general (although not, he says, because they are black, or shouldn't be here in the first place, in that in the immigration thread he sought to assure us that his views opposing immigration were in no way based on colour).

Ake appears to be adding to the prejudice displayed elsewhere.