The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24492   Message #282327
Posted By: flattop
22-Aug-00 - 10:15 AM
Should I feel responsible for where this thread has gone? I spoke of the singing love tradition. I didn't suggest that we turn this into an exhibit your symptoms thread. ChorttlingChuck and UpperCaseToes look better and better as this thread grows.

I believe that advice on how to love and live our lives is often useless. Rather than listening carefully and accepting others' messed up lives, we tend to project our experiences into their problems. Look at how Little Hawk twisted Lena pain and questions about men into his own problem of dumping women when he's done with them and his fear that they just won't go away.

I have utmost respect for those of you practising celebacy and trust that you continue this high ideal for the rest of your lives. Three days of celebacy is more than I ever wanted to bear.

Ritchie Havens sang in From a Prison:
Save your love for every moment
Save your love around the day
Save your love for every moment
Then forever give your love away