The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2823702
Posted By: Rasener
28-Jan-10 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Borchester Echo

Don't believe everything you see about Andrew Wakefield. He stood up to the stupid f***ers who insist that the MMR cannot create Autism. I have talked with Paul Shattock of Sunderland University and am satisfied that the MMR jab can create Autism.

However, the majority of children will not be affected by the MMR jab.

I talked with my doctor and various health authorities and they agreed that it was not necessary for my Autistic daughetr to have the second jab, and to this day she hasn't and won't.

This is one big F*****ng cover up from the health authorities, who need parents to make their children have the MMR.

Again would people who are not affected by Autism in their family make stupid comments when they domn't know F*** all about it.

Brain washed springs to mind as far as the health authority people are concerned.