The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126885   Message #2823716
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Jan-10 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why no State of Union address thread?
Subject: RE: BS: Why no State of Union address thread?
I didn't know you were married, Kat. I didn't know you weren't either...couldn't remember which it was...anyway, in the absence of certainty on the matter I did not recommend a divorce in your case, as I did not know if one would be necessary. ;-)

Ebbie - ALL truths and legitimate goals should supercede partisanship! And they would too...if people would wake up and abolish these accursed institutions called political parties. They have perverted and ruined the democratic process for their own gain. One does not need political parties to hold free elections, form an effective national assembly or govern a nation.