The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2823942
Posted By: Ruth Archer
28-Jan-10 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
The dangers of self-diagnosis:

"While there are some conditions which are much like autism, there are other conditions, such as having a very high IQ or simply being late in talking, which often include characteristics listed on checklists for autism. These are open invitations to false diagnoses.

We would see the dangers immediately if people who wear glasses were included on "the blindness spectrum" or people with harmless moles were included on "the cancer spectrum."

Blindness, cancer and autism are all too serious — indeed, catastrophic — to use loose definitions that fudge the difference between accurate and inaccurate diagnoses."

Thomas Sowell, Crusades Versus Caution, Part II