The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126885   Message #2824239
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Jan-10 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why no State of Union address thread?
Subject: RE: BS: Why no State of Union address thread?
Ebbie, from Obama's 'state of the union':

Obama: 'Now, let me repeat: We cut taxes. We cut taxes for 95 percent of working families.'

He did??????

Obama: '"As a result, millions of Americans had more to spend on gas and food and other necessities, all of which helped businesses keep more workers'

We do????

Obama: 'I took on health care because of the stories I've heard from Americans with pre-existing conditions whose lives depend on getting coverage, patients who've been denied coverage, families -- even those with insurance -- who are just one illness away from financial ruin."

Except if you have pre-existing condition. Why wait for just one illness plan would financially ruin you before you even get sick! The whole nation CANNOT afford it!

Qbama: 'There's a reason why many doctors, nurses and health care experts who know our system best ....."

Many, but not near the majority of doctors and nurses, etc. they clearly are opposed to it!

Obama: "But if anyone from either party has a better approach that will bring down premiums, bring down the deficit, cover the uninsured, strengthen Medicare for seniors and stop insurance company abuses, let me know. Let me know. Let me know. I'm eager to see it."

Strengthen Medicare???? You mean phase it out. Stop insurance company abuses???? ..OOOH, That's why the insurance companies were lobbying for it??...So the law would be to buy medical insurance from them or be fined??.....Naw, that's not abuse..its getting the government to mandate private companies profits, with no ceiling!

Obama: '"Here's what I ask Congress, though: Don't walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close. Let us find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people. Let's get it done. Let's get it done."

Okay, congress, Let's find a way to finish the job.....and if you do, so what if the American people finish YOUR job, next election, BECAUSE they DON'T WANT THIS BILL!....unless, of course..Obama: '
"Now, let's clear a few things up. I didn't choose to tackle this issue to get some legislative victory under my belt.'

Yeah, its a power grab, and a hostile take over of 1/6th of the American economy!...AGAINST THE PEOPLE WILL!...if that matters.

Obama: '
"To make college more affordable, this bill will finally end the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies that go to banks for student loans. Instead, let's take that money and give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase Pell Grants. And let's tell another 1 million students that when they graduate, they will be required to pay only 10 percent of their income on student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after 20 years -- and forgiven after 10 years if they choose a career in public service, because in the United States of America, no one should go broke because they chose to go to college."

Not to worry, we'll just print more money, to make up the difference! Oh, and forget that we'll tell the doctors how much they'll be allowed to charge!

Obama: '"Now, even after paying for what we spent on my watch, we'll still face the massive deficit we had when I took office. More importantly, the cost of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will continue to skyrocket."

Forget what I said earlier: 'But if anyone from either party has a better approach that will bring down premiums, bring down the deficit, cover the uninsured, strengthen Medicare...."

Make up your mind. Strengthen or scale back funding for Medicare???

Obama; ""Now, I know that some in my own party will argue that we can't address the deficit or freeze government spending when so many are still hurting. And I agree -- which is why this freeze won't take effect until next year -- when the economy is stronger."

Yeah, and AFTER I jack up the deficit more than ALL Presidents before me, COMBINED, THEN let's freeze it, so it can't come down, either...lock it in! By the the economy will be so fucked, you'll need to submit to anything our ideology dictates, because you'll have no choice!

Obama: "The problem is that's what we did for eight years. That's what helped us into this crisis. It's what helped lead to these deficits. We can't do it again."

We don't need to do it again, now we just pick up where Bush left off! ...Change you can 'what' in?...See Bush and I are actually partners in crime. Now you see it..Now you don't!

Obama: '"With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections. I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities.'

Unions of Federal employees excluded!!!..of course! Now that they make up 53% of all union employees, and 'contributed' 63 million dollars, from union dues, so I can push through their agenda AGAINST, the private sector, who don't want to unionize! Yes, that was a bad judiciary decision...for YOU!..not me!

Obama: 'The confirmation of well-qualified public servants shouldn't be held hostage to the pet projects or grudges of a few individual senators."

And I promised you that I wouldn't hire lobbyists for my top the eight I did!.......Oh, and 'those pesky pet projects'?..Like the over 8000 I signed into law, included in the 'stimulus' packages??...Pork is the 'other' white meat..I thought it would appeal to ya'.

Obama: 'Washington may think that saying anything about the other side, no matter how false, no matter how malicious, is just part of the game. But it's precisely such politics that has stopped either party from helping the American people. Worse yet, it's sowing further division among our citizens, further distrust in our government."

Now this is an interesting matter how 'false' ..or perhaps true, as well..I mean to say, I've been getting some bad press lately. Scott Brown was elected because of all those nasty little lies!

And as far as 'distrust in our government' I think you've done a great job with all that, yourself. You had a super majority in the Senate, and a majority in Congress, and you still needed backroom closed deals excluding the Republicans, AND CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, not open on CNN, you bribed votes,(Nebraska, Louisiana, Unions)...and STILL accomplished NOTHING this past year!!! NOTHING!!!!! And now you blame the public for not trusting you???....Oh man of CHANGE you can believe in!!!!

Obama: '"We're going to crack down on violations of equal pay laws -- so that women get equal pay for an equal day's work.'

How about allowing employers to pay for the productivity regardless of gender, race, or creed?

Obama: 'And we should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration system -- to secure our borders and enforce our laws and ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nation."

Hey Obama, you're the can order that anytime you want!..stop bullshitting us!

Obama: 'I campaigned on the promise of change -- change we can believe in, the slogan went. And right now, I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can change -- or that I can deliver it.'

