The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2824526
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
29-Jan-10 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
Again - sounds good to me. The definition of such attacks may be variable but I will go along with whatever the moderators decide.

For the record. I do not believe autism is a gift nor do I believe that many of the gifted people who had autisic spectrum disorders were gifed because of their condition. I would say they achieved what they did in spite of it and very good luck to them. I find it particularly heartless that a child with a cruel and incurable condition should be shown these amazing people as role models when it is known that tiny minority of all people, let alone those who are diferently abled, achieve any measure of greatness at all.

I am all for positive encouragement and with such I like to believe that my children have all grown to achieve their own brand of greatness. That they have always done their best without harming anyone else on the way. That they always aspire to better things yet are not dissapointed if falling slightly short of the mark.

My own personal goal is to learn something new every day and, so far, I have done it. One of these days the truth I learn will be the one that makes all the difference. Maybe it will be the genetic key to this issue. Who knows :-)
