The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126713   Message #2824541
Posted By: olddude
29-Jan-10 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: A Wish for Autism
Subject: RE: A Wish for Autism
While everyone wants to thump on each other, please remember one thing. It is about our kids not about you. The question is this, what have you or I done to help our kids with this terrible illness. Anger is the single common factor that I see and rightfully so ... Now take the anger and try to do something. I had been on the board of directors for one of the NFL greats who started a farm, hospital wing, and a host of research doctors. Now what I am trying to do is fund raising for specific families that are in deep financial need because of it. I never took any money for helping and making websites , so I usually end up getting signed footballs and Jersey's ect in the mail as gifts.

I auctioned most of them off on ebay and raised over 5K for a specific family that needed it ... I not saying this to talk about what I did. I am saying this so that everyone can know that even us little folks can do something anything for a family that really could use some help. sometimes it is nothing more than, go shopping, I can watch the child, you need a break ... little things to help make a world of difference in a life