The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2824813
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Jan-10 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
geeziz...................okay................I'll skip the first verse which says nothing including the ridiculous premise that you had "done" Asia (what part[s]) in seven months. Let's go to verse, and I use that word loosely, two.

Staying in a hut
    (Traditional 'twas),
Beside rice paddies,
    And just eight dollars,
My mind was at ease -
    Calm like a scholar's.

The first two lines are awkward at the very least. Line three gives us a minimal location while line four tells me the currency of choice was dollars.   You've been in "Asia" seven months and this joint uses dollars as their preferred exchange and you had the bucks on that it?

The last two lines are evidence that you know nothing of "scholars."   Obviously we MUST have a difference of opinion on scholars as I have known some very scholarly folks, many in educational or research positions and I cannot think of one who had a calm mind or was "at ease." Most have minds that are constantly engaged and working. They can be light and humorous or stern and serious by turns but they never really shut down. Its the one element that rings true across the board. While they can be relaxed, I would have chosen a different comparison than scholar. In your case, I'd pick "Calm like a deceased aardvark" because I think that's the closest to your mental agility.

And, from a bundle,
    Chose an artist's seen.

I have no fuckin' idea what that means.

By day, a farmer -
    At his rice-toil;

I'm submitting this one as a serious contender for the Worst Grammar, Worst Punctuation, and Worst Phrasing Award.   It takes a brokedick jadrool to make over eight errors in only eight words. You're a shoe-in for this one...............rice toil my ass.................

Let me conclude with this:

--Your "poetry" sucks.
--It has been posted repeatedly before.
--It is full of bigoted and racist statements.
--That which isn't racist is often incredibly juvenile.
--It is obvious to most that you have limited knowledge of the world, especially considering your supposed travels.
