The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126718   Message #2824830
Posted By: MikeL2
29-Jan-10 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: Nick Drake - hype and reality
Subject: RE: Nick Drake - hype and reality

For goodness sake of course Nick had intonations of other musicians in his performances !!

What musician and particularly vocalists don't ???

Every honest musician will tell you that he/she has been influenced by people that they admired musically.

Great/popular musicians are copied in their thousands by beginners wanting to learn how to play/perform.

One of the ways we all learn is by listening to music and whether conciously or sub-conciously some of the music rubs off on the learner.

To criticise Nick for being influenced by his predecessors is ludicrous; he was only doing what most musicians have been doing for hundreds of years.

Even the old Traditional musicians were influenced by their previous generations and that is how certain styles of music were born.

I am not sure what was meant by " Nick has a manufactured voice " - certainly it is a voice of his time and no doubt future musicians will be influence by Nick.

By the way I am not a great admirer of Nick.

