The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2824948
Posted By: Royston
29-Jan-10 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Don't be silly, Keith and don't tell lies or try to deflect the discussion.

What I said, about "the Africans", is that adding their number into the number of white UK HIV carriers in the "straight" pool, multiplies further the risk of any one straight person, who practices unsafe sex, contracting HIV if all other factors are constant

Your friends Ake and GfS, whom you are labouring to support, say that gay men are "unhygienic" in a way that straight people are not and that to stop the spread of HIV you have to "control" or "punish" gay people. Yet 2000-2008 the number of white straight people contracting HIV each year in an enormous pool with only a small starting number of carriers, grew 5 times. Whereas gay men, allegedly unhygienic and certainly more exposed to HIV in purely logical, accidental, epidemiological terms, less than doubled.

Now any increase in disease and illness is a terrible thing but, remembering the context of this discussion, straight people must be behaving in dangerous ways that make gay men look like nuns; for straight HIV+ numbers to have increased so dramatically. It's bleeding obvious that if their behaviour stays the same, and the numbers of HIV+ straight carriers keep growing, there is very big problem coming.

In fact the fastest growing group of HIV+ people (straight people) could quite possinly learn something useful from gay men about protecting themselves and arresting their growing numbers.

Now have you anything of substance to add or are you going to keep running away from this?