The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126885   Message #2825032
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jan-10 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why no State of Union address thread?
Subject: RE: BS: Why no State of Union address thread?
"we cannot afford second place to China or anyone else"

Yeah, sure. Tell me another one. ;-) Look, no country stays in first place forever in the world. Time moves on. One day, none of us can say when, the USA WILL have to accept second place in this world. Then maybe third place. Fourth place. what are you going to do when it happens, all commit ritual suicide in front of the Washington Monument?

I was born in a country that is a very secondary power in this world, and I like it. I don't mind one bit not being "number one". I don't mind having a small military. In fact, it feels really good not having to live up to being a colossus, armed to the teeth, with enemies everywhere, standing arrogantly astride the globe, but rather being just one of many in a great community of nations. I've been in many other countries. I haven't seen one yet where people despair because they are in "second place", "third place" or whatever the hell place. They find joy in simper things than that kind of bullshit.

Get over yourselves, America. You will not always be in first place in the world, and life on this planet will still go on just fine in any case. Rome fell! Italy is still there. Spain became a minor power, after being number one in the world. Spain is still there. And the Spanish still think it's a fine place to be and they are proud of what they are.